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Trip to US

Trip to US (part4)


One purpose of this US trip was visiting Yellow Stone Park,


which is the biggest park in the world.


We were told at least three or four days to follow the line number 8 every corners of the park if you want to visit it deeply.


I can say we were the lucky birds because of snowing in October as beautiful as this are few and far between as local people said,


all roads were just opened, seemed that they know and welcome we are coming now.


Let our tourists knows that you may have to book the hotel in advance if you want to live in the park in high seasons,


otherwise it is inconvenient in and out by car,


Foods and Beverages inside are quite expensive than others.

里面的食物和饮料比外面的贵(quite 相当)

Each parks before we visit,


we would like to go to the service centre first,


just let us know some information of park, how and where we can start it, where is the most light spots and features.


Unbelievable the signal of cell phone was not good in the park, that means you have to take GPS for guiding.


At the heart of Yellowstone’s past, present and future lies a super volcano,


huge volcanic eruptions occurred here,

这里发生了巨大的火山喷发 (occurre 出现在)

the heat powering those eruptions still fuels the park’s geysers, hot springs, fumaroles and mud pots.


Hot springs are the most common hydrothermal features in the park,


They vary from frothing mocha-like boiling water to clear and calm pools of tremendous depth,


hot springs have no constrictions, so water rises, cools and sinks freely.


Old Faithful is more than its namesake world famous geyser (top photo), you can view hundreds of other geysers and hot springs.


You have the rare opportunity to view animals who are wild, they behave like their ancient ancestors, as you know if the traffic in the park,


only reason is the animals are tired and lying on the road maybe for a day or more, to be human being we have to say nothing and wait,


due to this is their areas. Enjoy watching animals but stay safe, they are wild and dangerous really.


Every corner of Yellowstone reveals the park’s rich array of nature and history.


Buying a house in downtown or suburbs

With the development of the market economy in
China, many people have bought or are going to buy houses for themselves. As to
where to buy a new house, sometimes it is difficult to make a wise decision.

Some people choose to buy house in downtown, because
life is very convenient and comfortable to people living in downtown. For
example, it is always easy to do shopping because there are many different
stores in downtown. In addition, many educational and cultural facilities such
as public libraries, museums are within easy reach.

Although living in downtown has many
advantages, I still prefer owning a house in suburbs. I have good reasons to
make such decision. First, the price for a house in suburbs is relatively
cheaper. That is to say, with the same amount of money you use to buy a small
flat in downtown, you can buy an independent house in suburbs. What’s more,
living in quiet, peaceful surroundings, you can listen Cicada sing clearly in
summer, you can breathe the fresh air every morning, you can plant whatever you
like such as flowers and vegetables, you can see the mountain through your

Only one thing I have a little worry about
medical facility, which is at least five or ten years later. You know as our
ages, I believe everyone is false health, they may have to have something wrong
after annual health checking, near the hospital or pick up the medicines is
very important for us.

Compare this and that, Buying a house in suburbs
is my first choice.

10 January 2019

People are inclined to believe some
repeated false propaganda out of ignorance. As time passes, the truth will be
exposed. However, the public would rather be absorbed in fictions than pursue
the facts. Some historic dramas and novels have distorted facts for personal or
political reasons. Therefore, lots of historic truth has been concealed for so
long. Some figures have been defamed and some deified, which has prevented
modern people from forming right opinions about those personages. So historic
dramas and novels have deceived audiences and readers while they give people an
enjoyable entertainment. Even people of higher education can hardly avoid the

10 June 2019

Considering those
base persons only seeking after comforts as the mole crickets and ants, why do I envy
the large whales for their moving about freely and quickly in the sea?


胡為慕大鯨,輒拟偃溟渤。My living has been
greatly undermined because of my adhering to my ideal and being ashamed of
making up to the bigwigs. It does not matter to me living in poverty at present.
But how can I put up with my talents being neglected?以兹誤生理,獨耻事干謁。


10 March 2019

Some children are hostile to their parents.
They can hardly bear any criticisms. A little chagrin will trigger them to run
away from home or commit suicide in protest. They are particular about food and
clothing. They never do household chores. They leave their dirty clothes to
their parents or the laundry for washing. They squander money relentlessly as
if they were princes or princesses. They seem to have no good qualities. It’s ridiculous for the parents to
lay their high hope in these untamed youngsters. If they could keep away from
committing crimes and being fatally ill, their parents should feel lucky
enough. How can one expect such children to support and take care in one’s later life? Seeing the
disappointments of these parents, the childless couples will be relieved to
some extent.

10 May 2019

The narrow cement road I pass every day
needs reinforcement at both sides for they are so low and soft at some

King X didn’t kill the Duke of P at the banquet in
H as his counselor F suggested. Then F predicted His Majesty would be doomed to
failure. Some sympathizers of X say if he had slain L at the moment as advised,
he wouldn’t have gotten into the plight of committing suicide at W River in the
end. Owing to his heroic character, he wouldn’t do that disgraceful thing. At the
time, he had never perceived L as a threat to him. This has earned him the
respect and love from the author of his biography and the futurity up to now
although he failed at last. Until his death, he hadn’t realized his fatal error
to conquer the world only by force.

10 November 2018

It seems inconceivable that sometimes a predator shows mercy and love to its prey. When I taught biology, I had ever seen one of the illustrations in the textbook, which recorded how a bird fed a fish in a pond regularly. According to the reference book, the bird probably had just lost her baby and then took the fish as a substitute. Another special case similar to this one happened in the documentary played on TV today. A lioness rescued a baby gnu just born from the hunting hyenas. She kept the vulnerable young company for some time and then took her departure. The puzzled mother had to stand far away watching anxiously before reuniting with her baby.

10 October 2018

The weather forecast can be easily inquired on the Internet. And I needn’t wait for the report after the CCTV News every evening. Then I can leave our bungalow early after supper for the flat. Moreover I manage to finish my diary by day rather than at night for retiring in time. This may ensure me to rise not too late next day.
Yesterday evening I found some bottled highly toxic pesticide named deltamethrin in the small cardboard boxes picked by mother from the rubbish pit nearby when I removed them to the shed in case it might rain. It gave off an aggressive and intolerable smell. I warned mother to stay away from those things in the future.
Cycled to school in the drizzle. Thanks to the spare clothes I had brought from home, I could change the wet pants and socks for the dry ones.

10 October 2019

No marquisate was conferred upon him although
he had risked his life through many battles. Even the enemy, the Huns were frightened
at the mention of his name.

出生入死難得封,匈奴國中顯名聲。In spite of his old age and the emperor’s objection, he
insisted on joining the expeditionary force against the Huns. Finally, he was
angered by the accusation of failing to reach the meeting point in time and killed
himself on the distant battlefield.
