10 September 2018

Teachers’ Day
All teachers and students left school for home after lunch. Recently every lunch at school we have been offered cooked ears of tender maize. The glutinous corn seeds were sown at different times so that we can continuously eat tender ears which are welcome in this season. Sometimes I saw some of my colleagues picking several ears carrying home for the eating at school was not sufficient for them. Our principal also sent them to his counterparts and village chiefs as a present. With a particular flavor, the roast corn ears sell well in the street after nightfall.

10 September 2019

We have been suffering from vicious neighbors
over half a century. We can‘t get rid of their infestation although we have
moved house for several times.


Why do most gentlemen die young
and all villains pass away in bed of old age?


10th August, 2018

My beloved native land
My native land is not charming.
Its thatched cottages are low-lying
and the well water tastes bitter.
The stream by the village often dries up all over.


Since the introduction of Double Single Day on November 11th by Jack Ma from Alibaba Group becomes the online shopping banquet, every year in this special night most guys will spend time waiting for the sharp discount among items. It is the contest of time, energy and network. If you are with enough time, good energy and fast connection of internet, you do take the nice position to purchase some ideal things. The downside is many packages are about to be delivered for some days, usually between one to two weeks, or even longer. It comes at a price that we have to pay for the cost of congestion of express delivering. And then piles of piles packages would be stocking around, they are in living communities, office buildings and many other places. You will see deliverymen calling consignees and people coming to get their packages.I rarely buy things online. I only order some books. I am not easy to have something online out of impulse. Thus, I do not know what a feeling it will be like. But surely, there are many guys are already with their PCs or phones to wait for that time full of excitement.

11 April 2019

Is the person dutiful or parasitic who lives off
his or her parents in the name of accompanying?

“陪伴式啃老”,是尽孝还是“啃老”63.4 % of the interviewees spoke bluntly that it
is not in accordance with filial piety. 63.4%受访者直言以陪伴为借口依赖老人生活是不孝

To see the flying catkins of graceful carriage, the ancients have
left many aesthetic poems on them with the same affection of mingled love and
hatred as us.


11 August 2019

The downpour came to a stop towards dusk. Across
the street were deep and swift flows of rainwater.

驟雨初歇近黄昏,水流横路急且深。The streams blocked the way of the
pedestrians hurrying home. I passed over them by bike only leaving the wheels


11 December 2018

Mother suffers from lumbago again as a result of overworking. Years ago she had been confined to bed for the same reason. At that time her waist seemed to have broken. She just lay on the kang and couldn’t sit up. I had to stay at home taking care of her in the final days of the school term. The medicine brother offered healed her gradually. After her recovery, I had warned her against overwork. But she turned a deaf ear to my entreaties. She had forgotten her agony when breaking down. Then she occupied herself day in day out and now collapsed. She struggled up from lying with a painful face.

11 January 2019

He neither lingered here nor went to my boudoir
exchanging intimacies with me. 既来不須臾,又不處重闈;
only I could fly to him on the wind like a bird!

I have to stretch my neck looking into the
distance for diverting myself from the anxiety.

Feeling depressed about my wretched fate, I lean
on the chamber doors weeping.


11 June 2019

I feel rather
abashed that I don’t follow in the wake of Chao Fu and Xu You
and become a hermit because I hate to change my moral fortitude. I have nothing
to do but drink wine to divert myself from depression and sing out my poems to
dispel my gloom.


沈飮聊自遣,放歌破愁絕。All the weeds and trees have withered by the
end of this year. The ridges seem to rip under the force of the wind. I, as a
lone traveler, set off at midnight when the sky is overcast with black clouds. 歳暮百草零,疾風高冈裂。

11 March 2019

In actual life and on TV sometimes we get
to know some handicapped people achieving great success which is hard to attain
for many of the healthy. Everyone has unlimited potential in some aspect. But it
lies dormant in most people. Only those with stubborn determination can fully
or partly realize their potential. Some of the handicapped can hardly put up with
being looked down upon. They rise up to fight against the social prejudices with
their achievements as weapons. They earn the dignity they deserve. So we may
say that unluckiness can become a motive force to move forward.